Niger Update

The last three days have been quite full… very hot… and richly blessed by God. It has been so encouraging to study God’s Word with these Songhai brothers. We have studied the sure promise of our Lord’s return and the sure promise that his people will persevere as He preserves us for that Day. We have seen the wonderful implications that these realities have upon our lives as citizens of His eternal kingdom. It has been such a joy to, yet again, see how these truths transcend ethnic backgrounds and cultures to show plainly that we Christians are One People, called by the Name that is above every other name.

Thank you for your prayers for us. I am including a few photos from our conference.

Early tomorrow, we will drive 12 hours south to the city of Gaya, stopping at several villages along the way. We will be teaching “creation to Christ.” We will spend a day in Gaya before crossing the Benin border to the city of Kandi. Please pray that the gospel will bear fruit.

I miss you and am praying for you!

Until the whole world hears,



5 thoughts on “Niger Update”

  1. Hi, Ken. Thank you for the update. It was good to see you on Facetime twice. We are praying for your trip. Glad that your conference went so well. I know that you were very well-prepared for it. We all miss you. Please give my best all the Foxes. We are keeping the home fires burning. Have a great day in the Lord! Marilyn


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